Discover the 7 benefits of argan oil for your hair


Want to know what are the benefits of argan oil for your hair? So you are in the right place. After all, you don't need to be a great observer to notice that argan oil is a very present ingredient in the composition of hair products — and that doesn't happen by chance.

The preference of many for argan oil is justified by the numerous benefits it provides to the hair. Therefore, it is widely used by hair product companies and by women who do not give up good homemade hydration, with natural ingredients.

Knowing this, we created this article to explain what are the benefits of argan oil for hair.

Keep reading!

What is argan oil?

Known as the “miracle oil” by Moroccans, argan oil is extracted from the nuts of the Argania Spinosa, a tree found only in Morocco. Therefore, for years, it has been widely used in Moroccan cuisine, in the manufacture of cosmetics for the skin and also for hair care.

After becoming popular in the country, the fame of argan oil went beyond borders and became known worldwide. Here, in Brazil, it is among the favorite oils for hair hydration. That's because he's rich in vitamins and antioxidants. To give you an idea, argan oil has vitamins A, D, and E. In addition, fatty acids, phytosterols and omega 6 are found among its properties. Therefore, the combination of these nutrients promotes the beauty and health of the hair. .

What are the benefits of argan oil for hair?

With so many nutrients in its composition, it's easy to understand why argan oil is so powerful. When used correctly for hair hydration, benefits are noticed immediately. Therefore, we have listed below the main effects that argan oil causes on hair.

Check it out!

1. Combat frizz
Let's agree that having hair full of frizz is not at all pleasant, right? That's because, in addition to removing all the beauty of the strands, frizz generates a feeling of carelessness and sloppiness with the hair. After all, it is a strong indication of lack of hydration and, consequently, of fragile threads. So, to solve this problem, the use of a few drops of argan oil is enough, as the extract manages to seal the cuticles of the threads, leaving them less “rebellious” and softer.

2. Luminous glow
With the inclusion of argan oil in the capillary schedule, the shine of the strands will be another positive consequence. So say goodbye to dull, dull hair.

3. Strengthening of wires
If you suffer from hair breakage and hair loss, know that argan oil can put an end to your problem. That's because its nutritious properties act directly in strengthening the wires. Therefore, the use of a hair hydration schedule is essential for you who suffer from chemical cutting or hair loss, as hair weakening is the main cause for both problems.

4. Antioxidant action
If you're one of those people who love to vary the tones of your uncles, use a hairdryer and flat iron and expose your hair to the sun's ultraviolet rays, then you absolutely need to include argan oil in your hair care. That's because all these habits favor early aging of wires.

So, when there is no care routine, the wires are easily damaged. Bearing in mind that argan oil contains antioxidant substances, applying it to the hair, before exposing it to any heat source, guarantees the protection of the strands and prevents premature aging.

5. Hydration and nutrition
Another advantage of argan oil, which can be noticed in a short time, is the hydration and nutrition of the hair. In that case, you can apply the oil directly to the strands or mix it with another treatment product. Whichever you choose, the effect is immediate and you can already notice the softness and shine of the hair after application, since the oil is easily absorbed by the hair. So, with a well-established care routine, you can say goodbye to dry and opaque hair.

6. Wire protection
We have already mentioned it here, but it is worth mentioning that argan oil creates a protective layer around the hair. Therefore, it guarantees protection against heat and other elements that can affect the health of the hair.

7. Harm Reduction
With healthier and revitalized hair, damage is minimal and often becomes non-existent. For this reason, it is very worthwhile to have argan oil within reach, to apply to the hair whenever necessary. By the way, the ideal is to create a schedule of hydration, nutrition and reconstruction of the threads, in addition to including argan oil in the ingredients used to make the “mixtures“. By strictly following the established schedule, we are sure that your hair will be even healthier, softer and shinier.


Elixir Oil is an argan oil developed with the highest technology, with organic actives, made for any type of hair, chemical free and 100% vegan. You can learn more about Y Elixir Oil by clicking here.