Beauty World Middle East 2022


This year Yavanna was present at the biggest cosmetic fair in the Middle East, for the second consecutive time we were there to   show the technological innovations of Yavanna products to the Arab world.

Currently our biggest market is the Middle East, we are present in countries such as: Jordan, Iraq and among others...

The Beauty World Middle East fair allows us to show the Arab world how we advance each time in our technological formulas and in our differentials, such as the first Brazilian protein of 1250mL, the first with the Lisselini active, which, in addition to helping with smoothing, also treats, nourishes and has an anti-frizz action all at the same time.

We always seek to bring differentials to our products that help our customers' day-to-day activities.

Next year we will be at Beauty World Middle East again with more novelties and differentials because this is part of Yavanna's culture.